Admission Hub
Toronto, ON
Admission Hub (ADM) is a company that provides Study Abroad immigration services to India, the Philippines, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Turkey, Europe, Vietnam, Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.
The Taiwan department hired me as a digital marketer, and during the four months of my internship, I accomplished the following:
I used Figma and Canva to create digital posts for Instagram and web blog covers, which increased user engagement by 21% in three months. In order to attract and educate users in Taiwan about Canadian culture, I produced blog posts not only about brand services, but also about Canadian holidays. Moreover, I posted some interesting life/culture facts or special places to visit in Toronto or Vancouver in an effort to help users who had just arrived in Canada for study abroad or working holiday adapt more quickly.
The designs were crafted in a traditional Taiwanese style, characterized by a detailed design layout rather than minimalism. To enhance brand recognition, I incorporated the colors red, blue, and white—resembling the Taiwanese national flag—into my color selections, emphasizing the brand logo's color scheme. This approach aims to leave a lasting impression on users, making the brand more memorable.
I independently created the copy and used Figma to design a customized brand poster for email campaigns targeting Taiwanese universities. The primary objective of this initiative was to enhance brand visibility and effectively promote our services.
To maintain a well-organized layout, I applied the Z-pattern layout to arrange the content of the poster. Furthermore, I incorporated contrasting colors and shapes to emphasize vital information regarding our services. Additionally, I enlarged the font size for frequently asked questions from new customers, ensuring easy access to pertinent answers.
Demonstrated SEO-friendly writing techniques for new WordPress blog posts, and optimized the SEO performance of existing websites.
2022/8/31 【 加國生活 】11種你不能不知道的加拿大文化/風俗民情
2022/8/22 【 遊學全攻略 】2022-2023 加拿大COOP打工遊學 – 學習專業課程+有薪企業實習
2022/8/3 【 配偶工簽 】一文看懂! 3種加拿大配偶開放式工簽 SOWP/申請條件和準備文件
2022/7/29 【 租屋類型 】你不能不知道的三大租屋種類 加拿大留遊學/多倫多/溫哥華
2022/7/25 【 申請秘笈 】一次了解合法工作/實習 及 SIN Number申請懶人包
2022/7/12 【 溫哥華生活 】Compass Card 交通卡購買說明+地鐵路線介紹
Selected Works
Moi | Mock InterviewUX research, User interview, Persona, Experiencing mapping, User story, Task flow, Sketching, Wireframe, User testing, Branding, Accessibility, UI library, High-fidelity prototype
AtlasNovaUX flow, Wireframe, Branding, High fidelity Prototype, UI mockup, Design system
Craigslist RedesignHeuristic Evaluation
Electronic Arts | HackathonProject management, Cross-functional collaboration
Orchestral Charity for SeniorsHTML, CSS, Javascript
Momi Co., Ltd TaiwanSocial Media Coordinating
Admission HubDigital Marketing